So, I've decided that this is the week of Christmas. Wednesday was the library Chrisymas party. I was on the committee of five that planned the festivities for 280 people who RSVP'd and it was quite the undertaking - especially considering the fact that the room we'd booked only holds 250. We booked a room for overflow and fortunately, enough people didn't show that we ended up not needing the overflow room after all. Which meant I got to sit in the room after all.
I'm re-reading this and I realize that this is a pretty boring post. Bah!
Needless to say, the party went well, I recited Twas' The Night Before Christmas" Voice Male style, and it was a huge success with great accolades thrown my way....with regards to the party, not the recitation....
Yesterday was the BYU ballroom social dance lab with a festive theme. I wasn't in much of a mood for dancing so I only stayed two hours.
Tonight was our department Christmas party. Dinner farm-style, including hot home-made rolls. ~dramatic reminiscence~ I also managed to get a glass Santa Claus martini glass with a handle (yes, hard time picturing it. I understand that.) as my white elephant gift. Not bad. I could've ended with the hub cap.
Tomorrow is our annual Muppet Christmas Carol movie party that Brandon (my roommate) has had since before I moved to Utah. That's a long time.
Sunday is our annual family Christmas party in Sandy.
Yes, that is five....count them....1...2...3...4...5....five parties in five days. I don't think Christmas will get this festive.
I'm going to bed.
The Rachels
1 day ago
By Halloween I hope you mean Christmas, otherwise you're rather late! I'm glad it went well, though.
"I could have gotten the hubcap" was a great line. Really? A hubcap?
And I am sad to be missing the Christmas Carol party. Give my love to everybody. I can't believe we don't own that movie. We are losers. :P
So I am wondering where Nancy saw the word Halloween?
I fixed it already..
~Nancy~ Yeah. My student, Jordan, brought one of his roommates hubcaps that don't stay on his car.
That's so awesome!
Let me know how your other parties are!
And sorry to correct your mistake I was just like, "They had a what party? In December?"
I to know Christmas party overkill. Mine go Yesterday, tomorrow, then thursday, then Saturday. True I am not as popular as you, I have to either find sitters, or haul a car load of children to each of these......
By the way, thanks for taking the boys home last night!
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