Alright, here's the deal.
I've never made New Year's resolutions before. This time, however, I will write them down and publish them here on my blog for everyone to see. Then, I'll come back to them at the end of a year and see how I did.
Resolution #1 I will read the scriptures everyday this year. I've been slacking as of late and need to write this down to achieve it.
Resolution #2 I will write for half an hour everyday, starting with when I return from Cairo (I know I should start now, but who am I kidding - I'm in Cairo and I didn't actually bring anything to write with).
Resolution #3 I will read at least 60 novels this year. I read 101 books last year, although several of them were children's books. I finished two on the plane coming to Egypt. You can follow my progress on GoodReads.
Resolution #4 I will go on at least 2 dates a month this year. I dated a lot at the end of 2007, but haven't really dated much since Sarah and I broke up last year. That will change, especially when I get a girlfriend.
Resolution #5 I will write 5 children's books and submit at least 3 of them for publication. I've always had this for a goal, I've just never submitted any before.
Resolution #6 I will blog at least two times a week this year. I should put everyday, but I don't want to shoot for the stars on this one. I wish I could be like Nancy in this feat, but it will take time. Two a week should be sufficient.
I think seems like a good list of goals for 2009. We'll see how I do on the eve of 2010.
The Rachels
3 days ago
Man, you are writing as fast as I can read. I just returned to your page after commenting, and BAM-- another new post to read!
yay! New posts to read :)
oh yeah, and hey, if you don't mind sharing the cost of your trip with me... just so I know about how much I need to save...?
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