Ever have one of those weeks where you just don't feel motivated to do anything? That's been me this week. Of course, I did pinch a nerve in my back which made it hard to walk and really painful these past two weeks and I haven't been able to lay down without a lot of pain (which makes sleeping difficult), but I've just felt *blah* lately.
I managed to read a couple of books and have rarely left the house except for work. We've played a lot of board games and watched a couple of movies, but that's about it. I really don't know where this week went. However, today I'm moving. One, I'm a little less sore. Two, my homework is due this weekend, the house is a mess, and I'm bored out of my mind. So the dishes are now in the dishwasher, an essay is now half written, the broom is calling from the closet and I should probably end this break.
Good luck battling your preguisa (that is both sloth and laziness in Portuguese).
Speaking through song lyrics
18 hours ago